Wednesday 29 September 2010

Surfing the Internet is now a career option

Hyderabad based Vishal starts his day with Gmail, followed by postings on Twitter and Facebook, a couple of breaks for lunch and coffee, with a hard day's work ending on Flickr, YouTube and his personal blog. Keeping up with a few close friends, several hundred followers and several more readers can be quite exhausting, but doing it as part of his company's business strategy is a totally different scenario.
But hey, he's not complaining. After all, working extensively on these social media websites is earning Vishal, head of a company.

What is social media?
The consensus is that social media refers to any online portal, community, technology or software application that is deployed or created to disseminate, manage, organise, share and reuse content both textual and graphic.
A Director of a company explains, "We use social media for multiple functional objectives such as product launch, idea generation, online reputation management, driving sales to online store, and to create a community around a brand."

Social media is relevant to any company whose audiences participate in or are influenced by online discussions,"

Corporate houses such as Wipro, Hindustan Unilever, Infosys and Maruti are catching up with their western counterparts in terms of investing in this new channel. Star Network, the group of channels comprising Star Plus, Star One, Channel V and so on, has hired Social Wavelength to build its social media presence. 

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Renaming Your Blogger-Based Blog

This week I was thinking that my blog address is not good, And I was thinking to make something interesting and that gives good search results. So I have started research on the blogger options.

Then I found many interesting things from Blogger.

Here are some precautions and to consider when renaming a blog that has been built on the Blogger platform:

  • Change Only The Title.  When logged into Blogger, on the Dashboard click Settings and then click the Basic tab.  In the Title field enter the new title and then click Save Settings at the bottom.  This will not change the web address but only the display title in the masthead of your blog.
  • You Can Change The Address.  Many think it is impossible to change the address but it is easy to do.  Click Settings and then click the Publishing tab.  In the Blog*Spot Address field enter the new address and then check for availability.
  • Transfer Your Feed.  Once you change the address, you would assume that you'd need to burn a new feed, right?  And you'd assume that new subscribers would not have access to the posts under the old address, right? Well if you used FeedBurner to burn your feed, there is a way to change the feed for your new address.  In FeedBurner, click the name of the feed and then the Edit Feed Details screen appears.  Change the information in the Feed Title and Original Feed fields to match your new title and/or address.
  • Inform Your Readers. With any change to your blog - be it template, font, or title - create a post to let your users know of the changes and how it may impact the way in which they access your blog posts.
  • What Is Impacted When I Change My Blog's Title? Not much really and this change has the least impact on your readers.  Readers who have bookmarked your site will still be able to read your blog, and all links that others have made to your blog will still work.
  • What Is Impacted When I Change My Blog's Address? Realize that any bookmarks or favorites your readers have saved may no longer work.  In addition, if you've used social bookmarking sites such as StumbleUpon, those links may also be inoperable.  And if other bloggers have linked to your posts, those links may no longer work.  Luckily, the major search engines such as Google and Bing will be updated and readers can locate your new site easily.

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